Fast Delivery, Same Day Delivery, Errand Service, Concierge Service, London, Bristol

Last update: 24 January 2023

These terms and conditions are the contract between you and My Errand Ltd (“us”, “we”, etc). By visiting or using Our Website and the My Errand Application, you agree to be bound by them.
They protect your rights as well as ours.
We are My Errand Ltd, a company registered in England, UK, company number 13142283. Our address is 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JQ You are: Anyone who uses Our Website.
Please read this agreement carefully and save it. If you do not agree with it, you should leave Our Website immediately.

You are: Anyone who uses Our (“Service”).

Please read this agreement carefully and save it. If you do not agree with it, you should uninstall Our Application immediately.

1.      Definitions

Content Means the textual, visual or aural content that is encountered as part of your experience on Our Website. It may include, among other things: text, images, sounds, videos and animations.
Intellectual Property Means intellectual property owned by us, of every sort, whether or not registered or registrable in any country, including intellectual property of all kinds coming into existence after today; and including, among others, patents, trade marks, unregistered marks, designs, copyrights, software, domain names, discoveries, creations and inventions, together with all rights which are derived from those rights.
Our Website Means any website or service designed for electronic access by mobile or fixed devices which is owned or operated by us.
Services Means the service provided from Our Website.
Application Means My Errand platform downloaded onto mobile devices.
User Individual who creates an account to gain access to the platform.
Customer User who uses the platform to post an errand and purchase services and items.
Partner Are independent business owners. independent contractors of customers and not employees, partners, representatives, agents, joint venturers, independent contractors or franchisees of My Errand.

2.    Purpose

My Errand is a technology company whose main activity is the development and management of a technology platform which enables Customers of My Errand’s mobile applications or websites provided as part of the (“Services”) to post and schedule errands. “Customers” are individuals and/or businesses seeking to obtain short-term services ( “Errand” ) from Errand runners “Partners”  who are individuals and/or businesses seeking to run errands for Customers. Customers and Partners together are hereinafter referred to as “Users.” 

Our objective is to make it easier for any persons requiring help with their errands, services, purchases in person and/or collection of products from local merchants (hereinafter, “Users”) to carry out their errands by delegating to such third parties, who are willing to voluntarily carry out the mandate given to them by Users (hereinafter, the “Partner”).

Partners are thus a network of self-employed professionals who work with My Errand. When they wish to provide their services, they log onto the My Errand Platform and undertake to carry out within a certain amount of time the service entrusted to them by the User by means of the above-mentioned mandate. As a result, My Errand cannot be responsible for delivery times, as they will depend on the local stores’ own successful operations, the preparation of orders, the Partners themselves, and the information furnished by Users when posting errands or their availability and response at the time of delivery. In relation to this, the delivery times stated on the Application are provided for indicative purposes only.

My Errand does not complete errands and does not employ individuals to run errands My Errand processes Customer’s order from our Application and manages Users experience throughout the errand process.

3. Your Account

Before User can post errands using our application, he/she needs to open a My Errand account. When Users opens an account, he/she may create a password, or another secure login method, and may also have to provide credit card details. Users must keep any password they create, or another secure login method, secret, and prevent others from accessing their email account or mobile phone. If another person uses these methods to access a User account, he/she will be responsible to pay for any errands they post, and My Errand is not responsible for any other losses he/she suffer unless the person using the User’s password obtained it because we did not keep it secure.

A User may close his/her account at any time by requesting to do so by contacting My Errand using the available contact channels made available. We may suspend User access to his/her account, or close it permanently if we believe that his/her account has been used by someone else. We may also close his/her account if in our opinion his/her are abusing our Service (for example, by applying for refunds or credit to which we do not consider his/her entitled, making repeated unreasonable complaints, mistreating our staff or  Partners, or any other good reason).


    • User Access and Registration

In order to be a User of the Platform, it is essential that you meet the following requirements:


    • Users must be at least 18 years old.

    • Users must truthfully complete the mandatory fields of the registration form requesting personal details such as the User’s name, e-mail address, telephone number, and banking detail.

    • Users must agree to these Terms of Use and Contracting.

    • Users must agree to the Privacy and Data Protection Policy.

    • Users must agree to the Cookie Policy.  

The User warrants that all the information regarding his/her identity and capacity provided to My Errand in the registration forms for the Platform is true, accurate and complete. In addition, Users undertake to keep their details up to date.

If a User provides any false, inaccurate, or incomplete information or if My Errand considers that there are well founded reasons to doubt the truthfulness, accuracy or integrity of such information, My Errand may remove that User current or future access to the Platform or any of its contents and/or services.

When registering on the Platform, Users must provide a valid email and password. Both the email and the password are strictly confidential, personal and non-transferable. In order to increase the security of accounts, My Errand recommends that Users should not use the same login credentials as on other platforms. If a User uses the same login credentials as on other platforms, My Errand will be unable to guarantee the security of the account or ensure that the User is the only person logging into his/her profile.

Users undertake not to disclose the details of their account or allow access thereto to third parties. Users shall be solely responsible for any use of such details or of the services of the Site that may be made by third parties, including the statements and/or contents entered on the Platform, or for any other action carried out under their username and/or password.

My Errand cannot guarantee the identity of registered Users, and it will therefore not be liable for the use by unregistered third parties of a registered User’s identity. Users undertake to inform My Errand immediately, using the communication channels made available by My Errand, if their credentials are stolen, disclosed or lost.


    • Profile

In order to complete their registration on the Platform, Users must provide certain details, such as: name, e-mail address, telephone number and bank card details, among others. Once they have completed the registration process, all Users will be able to access, complete and edit their profile as they deem appropriate. My Errand does not store users’ payment data, which shall be processed and stored by the payment service provider as described in these Terms and in the Privacy Policy.


    • Payment Card Theft or Appropriation

Since My Errand cannot guarantee the identity of registered Users, Users are under an obligation to inform My Errand if they have evidence that the payment card associated with their My Errand account has been stolen and/or is being fraudulently used by a third party. Therefore, since My Errand and its payment platform are proactive in the protection of Users through the use of appropriate security measures, if a User fails to inform My Errand of the missing card, My Errand will not be liable for any fraudulent use thereof that may be made by third parties on the User’s account. My Errand suggests that Users report any theft, robbery or suspected misuse of their payment card to the police.

If necessary, My Errand undertakes to assist Users and cooperate with the competent authorities as may be necessary to provide reliable evidence of the wrongly applied charge. In the event of fraud, My Errand  reserves the right to take any appropriate action if it has been detrimentally affected by the misuse of the Site.

4.    Service Availability

Each Partner has a service area. This service area may change at any time due to factors such as weather, or demand on our service. Our Partners each decide their own operating hours. That means that the availability of our Service, and the range of Partners who can accept to run Customer errands, depends on the Partners in his/her area. If Customer tries to post an errand to a location outside the service area or operating hours of our Partners, or the Application is otherwise unavailable for any reason, we will notify him/her that completing the errand will not be possible.

5.    Service Operation

When a User who is registered as a Customer needs help with an errand, he/she must go to the My Errand application and request the service using the said electronic methods. The basic courier service involves the collection and subsequent delivery of a product to and from the addresses established by the Customer, provided that they are within the territory in which My Errand operates. Similarly, a Custmer may ask a Partner to purchase products in person on his/her behalf and to collect them from, and deliver them to, the addresses specified. The Partner undertakes under a mandate to purchase the products ordered by the Partner on the latter’s behalf and according to his/her indications and specifications.

Customers are solely responsible for providing the correct addresses for Pickup and delivery on the Platform, and they therefore release My Errand and the Partner from any liability for negligence or error in the Pickup or delivery of the order as a result of providing incorrect addresses for Pickup and delivery. As a result of the foregoing, the cost resulting from providing an incorrect address for pickup and delivery on the Platform shall be borne by the Customer.

Customers must provide all the information, in as much detail as possible, about the service to which the assignment relates and, if applicable, in relation to the product that they are asking the Partner to buy in a physical shop on their behalf. To do this, they may provide any comments they may deem useful in the “What items do you need” section as well as, where appropriate, share a photograph with the Partner to identify the order. The maximum amount the Partner can spend on any local shopping request is £30, the Partner will be asked not to exceed the amount stated. Customers will be in constant contact with My Errand support team at any time to ensure that Partner carries out the mandate according to the Customers’ own instructions.

When the Customer posts an errand through our Application, it needs to be accepted by us and/or the Partner before it is assigned. We will send the Customer a notification if his/her errand has been assigned. The contract for the service the Customer have chosen comes into existence when we send the Confirmation Notice. Customer is responsible for paying for all errand fees using his/her account, and for related errand charges, and for complying with these Terms, even if he/she has posted the errand for someone else.

In order to facilitate direct communication with the Partner and in the event of any incidents in the processing of the errand and/or in order to inform of any changes thereto, My Errand makes available to Users an internal chat system allowing direct and immediate contact between My errand support team and both the Customer and the Partner while the errand is being in progress. If a Customer wishes to contact My Errand after the order has been completed, he/she must use the help section and contact the support team.

The Customer releases My Errand and the Partner from any liability for negligence or error in the indications given by the Customer for the purchase of the product ordered for purchase in a physical store on his/her behalf. As a result, the Customer shall bear the cost arising from providing incorrect indications on the Platform regarding the products (such as an incorrect address or product).

If the product and/or service is not available, the Partner should inform My Errand support team to set out the available options. My Errand team will inform the Customer and in case he/she does not accept any of the options set out by the Partner and is therefore not interested in the alternative options, he/she must accept the cancellation policy set forth in these General Terms of Use (Section 10). If the Customer does not answer the phone, the Partner shall wait 5 minutes before leaving.

If the Customer needs to change the delivery location after the errand has been posted, we may be able to change to the address to an alternative one that is registered with his/her account if he/she let us know before the Partner has started the errand, and the new address is within the same zone as the address he/she originally posted the errand to. If we cannot change the delivery address, Customer has the option to cancel the order. but if the Partner has started the errand the Customer will be charged for the total errand fee.

If the Customer is not at the location agreed for delivery, the Partner shall retain the product for 24 hours, or for 5 minutes in the case of perishable products. In addition, the Customer must bear 100% of the cost of the errand fee, as well as the price of the product if one has been purchased or contracted through the Partner at the Customer’s request and will have to pay for another service in order to receive the products that were not delivered. The Partner will in no event be liable for the deterioration or expiry of the product to which the assignment related.

Once the errand has been completed, if the request included the in-person purchase of a product or service, the Partner shall provide photo evidence of any payment made to complete an errand (e.g., in store shopping, postage receipt.). The evidence will be available on the errand completed section.

If the errand type is the mere delivery of a product, the Partner shall deliver it to the Customer at the exact delivery time and place indicated by the latter. All this without prejudice to the electronic receipt for the service that will be received by the Customer at the e-mail address associated with his/her account.

If the Customer receives confirmation that the errand has been completed out without having ratified the mandate either personally or through a recipient authorised by him/her, he/she must inform My Errand immediately so that appropriate actions can be taken by the Platform. My Errand reserves the right to check any communications made by the User for verification and monitoring purposes.

The Customer must check the products delivered by the Partner at the delivery address. The customer should contact My Errand within one hour after the errand completion in case it has been an issue if not then the Customer confirms and ratifies the mandate, the purchase in person or the service carried out on his/her behalf. In addition, the Customer states that a third party may ratify the mandate on his/her behalf, for example if the Customer is not at the final delivery address or has designated a third party for collection and signature where appropriate. The Customer (and/or the said third party) is thus responsible for checking that the service provided is adequate as well as, where applicable, for collecting enough evidence to prove that it was not.

Furthermore, My Errand is not responsible for ensuring that food orders are delivered to Customers in properly closed bags, which should ideally be labelled or sealed. 

6.    Delivery

When the Customer posts an errand he/she will have the choice to place it as an ASAP Delivery or a Scheduled Delivery within the same day. For an ASAP Delivery, the Partner will attempt delivery as soon as possible; the Customer must therefore be available to accept delivery from the time he/she place the order. For a Scheduled Delivery, we will notify the customer when the Partner starts running an errand he/she must be available to accept delivery for ten minutes before and ten minutes after that time.

Unfortunately, despite our, and our Partner’s best efforts, things do not always go to plan and factors such as traffic and weather conditions may prevent us from delivering Items on time. If the Partner has been late, we will notify the Customer with the option to cancel the errand, we will work with the Customer to make things right unless he/she has caused the delay (e.g. giving us the wrong address or did not come to the door).

The Customer will still be charged for the Item and for errand in the event of a failed delivery if he/she has caused such failure for any reason. Reasons Customer might cause a delivery to fail include (but are not limited to):   


    • Customer do not come to the door, did not pick up the phone when the My Errand and/or the Partner contacted him/her using the contact information provided to us and/or Customer picked up the phone but then failed to provide access within a reasonable amount of time, and the Partner is unable to find a safe location to leave the item.

    • The Partner refuses to deliver the Item to the Customer in accordance with section 8 (Age Restricted and Regulated Products).

My Errand provides Customers with a delivery service for products purchased by a Partner in person in certain cities. Such an errand can be carried out whenever the following conditions are met at the time of payment:


    • The service must be operative during the chosen time slot.

    • The goods to be delivered must be in one of the cities, and within the available area, in which My Errand operates.

    • The destination must be located in the same city as the product.

    • The customer must provide the right approximate size

    • The customer must provide the right approximate weight

The size and weight are key factors to determine vehicles capable of accommodating such volumes.If the Customer fails to select the correct size and weight, My Errand reserves the right to charge an additional fee of up to £50.

My Errand reserves the right to enter into commercial agreements with Stores, Department Stores, Entrepreneurs, Professionals (e.g. mass market food companies, laboratories, Department Stores, large and small consumer brands, etc.) to send promotional communications, including the addition of free samples to the errand completed to the Customer’s home.

7.    Age Restricted and Regulated Products

Age restricted products (including, without limitation, alcohol, tobacco and cigarettes) can only be sold and delivered to persons aged 18 or over. By placing an order for an age restricted product, Customer confirms that he/she are at least 18 years old. My Errand operates an age verification policy whereby customers ordering age restricted products will be asked by the Partner to provide proof that they are aged 18 or over before the errand is completed. The Partner may refuse to deliver any age restricted product to any person unless they can provide valid photo ID proving that they are aged 18 or over. The Partner may refuse to deliver alcohol to any person who is or appears to be under the influence of either alcohol or drugs. Orders for items containing alcohol may only be delivered to a location that is a residential or business address. If delivery of any age restricted product is refused, the Customer will still be charged for the relevant Item and for the errand.

8.    Prices of the Services and Billing

Users can register for the Platform, and use it, free of charge, although this is subject to review by My Errand at any time. Users may have to pay for certain services on the Platform as provided in these General Terms and Conditions of Use.

The use of the Platform by Partners and businesses may have an associated cost.

The Customer only has to pay for each service requested through the Platform for his/her use thereof to order products, and to communicate through the Platform, as well as for the courier or errand services provided by third parties.

In the event of rain or bad weather conditions, the Customer may have to pay an additional fee for the courier or errand service provided by third parties in such weather conditions.

In addition, for services that include the purchase of a product, the Customer must pay the price of such product. By registering through the Platform and providing the required bank details, Customers expressly authorise My Errand to issue receipts for payment of the services requested, including the price and delivery of the products ordered.

The total price of each service may be composed of a variable percentage based on the number of miles travelled and the time taken by the Partner, as well as, where applicable in cases in which the Customer requests the physical purchase of a product or service, the price established by each merchant. My Errand will apply a holding charge for any service requesting the physical purchase of a product or service. My Errand reserves the right to change the price based on the distance travelled and/or the time slot in which the service is performed. In accordance with these terms, the Customer will be entitled to know the approximate fee for the service before contracting it and paying for it. The fee for the delivery service may vary in cases of force majeure beyond My Errand’s control that entails an increase in such fee.

The fee may include tips for the Partner and/or the local store, whose amount shall be solely and entirely at the Customer’s discretion.

My Errand reserves the right to change the prices on the Platform at any time. Such changes shall take effect immediately after publication. The User expressly authorises My Errand to send him/her by electronic means, to the e-mail address provided by the User during the registration process, receipts for the services contracted and/or the bills generated.

If a service is cancelled by the Customer once the Partner has started, My Errand will be entitled to charge the Customer the fee applicable in each case. Similarly, if the Customer has asked the Partner to purchase a product or a service on his/her behalf and the Customer cancels the errand after the purchase has been made, the latter shall bear the cost of the delivery services provided by the Partner as well as the full price of the product or the service. All this without prejudice to the Customer’s ability to request a new service in order to return the products purchased or to have them delivered at a different address. In the case of non-perishable products, the Customer may exercise his/her right of withdrawal vis-à-vis the merchant that sold him/her the products. If the Customer wishes to exercise this right through My Errand, he/she must request the service again.


    • Payment Platforms

Payment for services offered on the Platform, sold in person at restaurants and/or stores and delivered to Customers in a deferred manner is temporarily made to My Errand, who then sends it to the Partners who have completed the errand and/or. The Partners authorise My Errand to accept payment on their behalf.

Payment by Customers for services is received at My Errand’s accounts through an Electronic Money Institution. Electronic Money Institutions are authorised to provide, directly or indirectly, regulated payment services in all the territories in which My Errand operates and are in compliance with the current legislation applicable to payment services for Platforms such as My Errand*.

*If such institutions are not authorised, My Errand will accept no liability for such lack of authorisation or licence, and sole and exclusive liability shall lie with the Electronic Money Institutions.

Using the payment provider contracted by it for this purpose and for the sole purpose of verifying the means of payment provided, My Errand reserves the right, as a fraud prevention measure, to request a payment pre-authorisation for the services ordered through the platform. Such pre-authorisation shall in no event involve payment of the full amount of the order, as this will be done solely and exclusively after the services have been completed for the Customer, or for the reasons set forth in these terms and conditions.

In order to provide Customers with greater support, My Errand shall be their first point of contact and shall accept liability for payments made on the Platform. Such liability includes refunds, returns, cancellations and early-stage dispute resolution, and it is without prejudice to any actions that may be taken by My Errand vis-à-vis local merchants as the sole physical sellers of the products ordered by Users.

In accordance with the foregoing, in the event of a dispute, My Errand shall provide the first line of support and shall reimburse the Customer if this is deemed appropriate.

If a Customer has any issues with the progress of his/her errand, he/she may contact My Errand’s support service through the methods made available to Users on the Platform.


    • Price of services offered by the Platform

All the prices stated on the Platform are inclusive of any taxes that may be applicable based on the territory from which the Customer operates and shall in any event be denominated in the currency in force in the territory from which the Customer operates.

In accordance with Clause 9 above, the prices applicable to each service shall be as published on the Platform, subject to the specific characteristics set forth above, and applied automatically at the last stage of the contracting process.

In accordance with the foregoing, the Customer grants the Partner, by means of the purchase and delivery request made through the Platform, a mandate to purchase the products in person, on his/her behalf, at the price set by the merchants. The Customer may be in direct contact with the Partner while the errand is being progressed.

9.    Promo codes and Discounts

My Errand may unilaterally provide at any time credits for use within the Platform. The Customer acknowledges and accepts that credits must be used within six (6) months from the date on which the credit was made available to the Customer on the Platform.

Promotional codes and/or other offers or discounts offered on the Platform must be correctly entered in the application before posting an errand. Otherwise, they will not take effect and the Customer will be unable to enjoy them. 

Whenever a cancellation is requested by My Errand in accordance with Section 10 below, the Customer shall ensure that the promotional code and/or other offer or discount is valid for future use. When the cancellation is at the Customer’s request, Section 10 below will apply.

My Errand reserves the right to unilaterally cancel promotional codes and/or other offers or discounts offered if it becomes aware of a fraudulent use thereof (such as, among others, a promotional code being redeemed by someone who is not its legitimate recipient, the mass communication of codes or the sale of codes or discounts), at the end of the above-mentioned period. Furthermore, it reserves the right to apply sanctions to Customers for the amount for which My Errand has been defrauded as a result of such use.

My Errand will accept no liability if, due to an event of force majeure or other events beyond its control or whose need is justified, it is forced to cancel, shorten, extend or amend the conditions of promotions.

In particular, My Errand will accept no liability if the website is not available at any time during promotions or for a malfunction in the automated promotion system

10.    Cancellation

In accordance with the nature of the service offered by My Errand, the Customer is aware that, once a Partner has voluntarily accepted to run an errand, the execution of the purchase mandate is considered to have started, and the Customer may therefore no longer be entitled to withdraw the service request free of charge.

Without prejudice to the foregoing, the cost of cancellation may depend on the following factors;


    • If the Customer cancels the errand once the Partner has accepted it for processing, the Customer will be charged the cancellation fee. The Customer will be informed of the Partner’s acceptance through the Platform when the errand status changed to Assigned. If the errand is cancelled by My Errand, the agents will contact the User to inform the latter of the cost of cancellation if there is one.

    • If the Customer cancels the errand once the Partner has started execution , the Customer will be charged both the price of the products and or services and the cancellation fee.

    • If the Customer fails to provide the right approximate size and weight of the items

    • If the Customer provided an inaccurate parcel detail or delivery details.

In the case of non-food or non-perishable products, if the Partner has already purchased the product ordered at the time of cancellation, the Customer may ask the Partner to return it. To that end, the Customer must pay the products’ full purchase price and delivery costs, as well as the cost of the return service. If the Partner has been able to return the product, its value will be refunded to the Customer who, as mentioned above, must pay the cost of the two collection and delivery services as well as the return service. The return shall in any event be subject to the merchant’s return policies, and the Customer therefore states that he/she is aware that, in the case of perishable products (e.g. food), the product may not be returned and My Errand will therefore be entitled to charge him/her for both the product already purchased by the Partner under his/her mandate and for the cost of the delivery service incurred.

If the Customer has given an incorrect delivery address for the products, he/she may enter a new address at any time provided that it is within the same city as the original errand and this is a city in which My Errand provides its intermediation service. In such case, the Customer will be posting a new service and agrees to be charged the appropriate amounts for the new delivery. If the address is in a different city from the one originally specified, the address may not be modified for delivery in a new city, and the order will be cancelled, with the Customer bearing the resulting costs as provided in this clause.

the applicable costs of cancellation are :


    • 50% of the errand fee if the Partner has accepted the errand.

    • 100% of the total errand fee if the Partner has started the errand.

My Errand reserves the right to cancel an errand without having to provide a just cause.  In the event of cancellation without just cause at My Errand’s instance, the Customer will not be charged for any errands cancelled by us or the Partner, and we will reimburse him/her for any payment already made using the same method he/she used to pay for his/her errand. Customers should contact My Errand support team for any refund claims.

11. Restricted Items Delivery Policy

Non-Exhaustive List of Examples:

Alcohol and Tobacco Products Deliveries of alcohol and tobacco products may be limited or restricted in certain countries and/or cities in which the Platform operates.
Animals and Regulated Species Animal parts or fluids; banned seeds, harmful plants; regulated plants or other organisms (including their by-products) which are endangered or whose trade is regulated by law as applicable in any case.
Child pornography Pornographic material involving children or content that may be perceived as erotic paedophilia.
Copyright on Software and Media Unauthorised copies of books, music, films and other protected or licensed materials, including properly referenced copies; and unauthorised copies of software, video games and other protected or licensed materials, including from OEMs or other products that cause unsolicited messages to be sent.
Counterfeits and unauthorised products Copies or imitations of designer products or other goods; items belonging to celebrities that would usually require authentication; false autographs; foreign currency; stamps; tickets; or other unauthorised goods.
Devices or tools for overcoming security measures Modems, chips or other devices for dismantling technical protection measures as well as on digital devices, including for unlocking iPhones.
Drugs Controlled substances, narcotics, illegal drugs and their paraphernalia, including psychoactive and vegetable drugs such as psychedelic mushrooms, as well as materials promoting their use; or legal substances such as plants and herbs presented in a form that suggests they should be ingested, inhaled, extracted or used in any other way that may result in the same use as an illegal substance, drug or component or that claims to have unproven health benefits.
Gambling and Betting Lottery tickets, bets, online betting site memberships/registrations, and related content. Permitted promotion of physical casinos.
Products Sold in Pharmacies Deliveries of pharmaceutical products may be limited or restricted in certain countries and/or cities in which the Platform operates. Prescription drugs may not be ordered/delivered. OTC (over-the-counter) medicines, ancillary medical devices, as well as any other products for hygiene, nutrition or similar for human use sold in pharmacies are subject to the mandate given by the Customer to the Partner and to what the pharmacist may deem appropriate.
Materials for hacking and cracking Manuals, guides, information or equipment that infringes the law by damaging or fraudulently facilitating access to software, servers, websites or other protected property.
Human Body Organs or other body parts; body fluids; stem cells; embryos.
Stolen or illegal goods Materials, products or information that promotes illegal goods or facilitates illegal acts; goods not belonging to a person or which a person has no right to sell; goods produced in violation of third-party rights; goods infringing import, export or labelling restrictions; motor vehicles that are subject to transfer restrictions. You (the My Errand User) are solely and fully responsible for checking that all items are genuine and legal.
Illegal telecommunications equipment Devices aimed at obtaining satellite signals without payment, illegal products for modifying mobile phones and other equipment.
Offensive goods Goods, literature, products or other materials that: • Are defamatory of any person or group of people based on their race, ethnic origin or country of origin, religion, gender or any other factor. • Are defamatory of any person or group of people who are protected from defamation by the applicable law (e.g. the royal family in some jurisdictions). • Praise or incite the commission of violence. • Promote intolerance or hatred. • Promote or support membership of terrorist groups or other organisations that are prohibited by law. • Are contrary to public morals.
Offensive goods related to a criminal offence Photographs of, or objects from, a crime scene, such as personal belongings, associated with criminals or criminal acts.
Culturally protected artefacts Materials covered by the 1970 UNESCO Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property or other goods whose sale, export or transfer is restricted by law; Artefacts, cave formations (stalactites and stalagmites).
Pyrotechnic devices and dangerous substances requiring special permission Pyrotechnic items and related goods in markets in which their supply is regulated, as well as substances such as petrol or propane.
Traffic-related devices Radars, number plate covers, illegal traffic-modification devices and related products.
Weapons Firearms, ammunition and other items including, without limitation, firearms, knives that are either undetectable or easy to conceal, martial arts weapons, silencers, ammunition or ammunition magazines.
Money and Foreign Currency Foreign currency or currencies insured with precious metals, as well as banknotes, c coins, jewelleries, or any other valuable securities.
Primary and Secondary Schools / Use by children We reserve the right to refuse orders from users who are minors. In addition, we reserve the right to refuse orders at any location near a primary or secondary school, as well as to ask for sufficient proof of age.
Misuse of the platform / Abuse We will not tolerate the use of abusive language or abusive attitudes towards our company or freelance workers.

12.   Geolocation

My Errand may collect, use and share exact location data, including the real-time geographic location of the User’s computer or mobile device, provided that this is authorised by the User. The said location data may be collected and used by My Errand to show Users the location of the point of origin and/or destination of an errand. In this regard, Users expressly consent to their geolocation data being shared with other Users and Suppliers in order to successfully carry out the errand assignment requested at any given time. Users may choose to disable Geolocation on their devices as provided in the Data Privacy Policy.

The Customer shall be responsible for entering the correct addresses for Pickup and delivery. In this regard, My Errand will accept no liability for errors or omissions in the provision of such addresses by the Customer.

13.    User’s Obligations

Users are fully responsible for the proper use of, and access to, their profile and other Platform contents in accordance with the current legislation, be it national or international, of the Country from which they are using the Platform, as well as with the principles of good faith, morals, generally accepted customs, and public order. Specifically, they undertake to diligently comply with these General Terms of Use.

Users are responsible for correctly entering their individual names and passwords, which are non-transferable and must be sufficiently complex, and for not using the same password as on other platforms, all this in order to protect their account from fraudulent use by third parties not belonging to the Platform.

Users shall refrain from using their profile and other Platform contents for illegal purposes or with illegal results that harm third-party rights and interests or that may in any way damage, disable, affect, or impair the Platform and its contents and services. In addition, they are prohibited from hindering other Users’ normal use or enjoyment of the Platform.

My Errand may not be deemed to have editorial responsibility, and it expressly states that it does not identify with any opinions that may be issued by Users of the Platform, whose consequences shall be the sole responsibility of their issuers.

Any persons who breach the above obligations shall be liable for any loss or damage caused by them. My Errand will accept no liability for any consequences, loss or damage that may arise from such illegal use or access by third parties.

In general, Users undertake, by way of example without limitation:


    • To refrain from altering or modifying the Platform, in full or in part, by bypassing, disabling or in any other way tampering with, its functions or services;

    • To refrain from infringing industrial and intellectual property rights or the personal data protection legislation;

    • To refrain from using the Platform to insult, defame, intimidate or harass other Users or attack their image; – To refrain from accessing other Users’ e-mail accounts;

    • To refrain from introducing computer viruses, corrupted files or any other software that may cause damage or alterations to My Errand’s or third parties’ contents or systems;

    • To refrain from sending mass and/or recurring e-mails to a number of people, or from sending third parties’ e-mail addresses without their consent;

    • To refrain from advertising goods or services without My Errand’s prior consent.

Any User may report another User if he/she believes that the latter is in breach of these General Terms of Use. Similarly, any User may inform My Errand of any abuse or infringement of these terms through the contact channels made available. My Errand will check such reports as soon as possible and will take any steps that it may deem appropriate, reserving the right to remove and/or suspend any User from the Platform for breach of these General Terms of Use. Furthermore, My Errand reserves the right to remove and/or suspend any message with illegal or offensive content without the need for a prior warning or subsequent notification.

14.    My Errand’s Responsibility

Users are responsible for having in place the necessary services and equipment to browse the Internet and access the Platform. Users can report any incidents or problems accessing the Platform to My Errand using the contact channels made available to Users, and My Errand will analyse the incident and instruct the User on how to resolve it as quickly as possible.

My Errand does not control, and is not responsible for, the contents uploaded by Users through the Platform, and Users are solely responsible for the lawfulness of such contents.

My Errand will not be liable for any service interruptions, connection errors, unavailability of, or faults in, the Internet access service, or Internet interruptions or for any other matters beyond its control.

My Errand accepts no liability for any security errors that may arise or for any damage that may be caused to the User’s computer system (hardware and software), or to the files or documents stored therein, as a result of:


    • The presence of a virus in the User’s computer system or mobile handset used to connect to the Platform’s contents and services.

    • A malfunction of the browser.

    • The use of outdated versions thereof.

15.    Solidarity at My Errand

My Errand collaborates with various institutions, corporate groups and non-governmental organisations in charitable and solidarity projects, donation campaigns and non-profit campaigns in some countries in which it operates (subject to applicability in each country). My Errand acts as an intermediary in the organisation of such campaigns and projects, based solely on its good faith and its wish to contribute to social initiatives.

My Errand accepts no liability for the final use or outcome of such campaigns. Neither does it give any security or guarantee, or accept any legal liability, or have any control over, how donations are used by the above-mentioned establishments.

16.    Content Liability

My Errand does not control (and is under no obligation to control) how Users use the Platform. It therefore does not guarantee that Users use the Platform in accordance with these General Terms of Use or in a diligent and/or prudent manner. My Errand does not check (and is under no obligation to check) the identity of Users or the truthfulness, current validity, completeness and/or authenticity of the data supplied by them.

My Errand will not check the products sent or delivered through posting errands on the Platform. Both the Customer and the Partner therefore release My Errand from any liability that might arise from the availability and/or transport of products requiring specific permissions or licences, or of products forbidden by any applicable legislation, as described (by way of example without limitation) in Clause 13 above. If My Errand becomes aware that the Customer and/or the Partner is/are using the Platform to transport prohibited products, My Errand may launch an internal investigation to ascertain the facts, take any legal action that may be necessary and/or block the Customer or Partner in question until any potential investigation has been completed. The measures available to My Errand include providing the authorities with data and information on the Customers and Partners.

My Errand rejects any liability for damages of any kind that may arise from Customers’ illegal use of the Platform or due to the information supplied by Users to other Users about themselves being untrue, no longer valid, incomplete and/or false and, in particular and without limitation, for any loss or damage of any kind that may arise due to a User impersonating a third party in any kind of communication made through the Platform.  In particular, My Errand accepts no responsibility for the use of the Platform or for any errands that may be made by a third party from the User’s account.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, My Errand reserves the right to fully or partly restrict certain Users’ access to the Platform, as well as to cancel, suspend, block or remove certain types of content, by means of suitable technological tools, if it becomes aware, or there are signs, that the activity or the information stored is illegal or harmful to a third party’s rights or property. In this regard, My Errand may establish any filters that may be necessary to prevent the service from being used to upload unlawful or harmful content to the Internet. By making content available through the Platform, Users assign to My Errand all exploitation rights arising from the contents thus supplied.

17.    Warranty in Assignments or Payments

My Errand performs an Identity Verification for all Partners (errand runners) wishing to use My Errand platform to run errands on our customers behalf. However, My Errand gives no warranties regarding the authenticity, accuracy, novelty, reliability, lawfulness, or non-infringement of third-party rights by Partners. In this regard, Customers state that they understand that My Errand is a technology platform whose main activity is intermediation; in other words, it puts Customers and Partners in contact with each other; and that it therefore accepts no liability arising from the information provided by Partners or for any loss or damage that may potentially be suffered by them due to a breach of these General Terms of Use. When an errand is posted on the Platform and accepted by the Partner, a relationship is established between the Customer and the Partner. My Errand is not a party to this relationship and merely provides the Platform to enable the Parties to communicate and post as many errands as may be necessary. My Errand will therefore never be liable for the availability of Partners or for their adequate and satisfactory performance of assignments.

My Errand makes checks the identity of all Partners and may potentially carry out additional checks and put into motion procedures designed to help check or verify the identity of Partners. In this regard, when a Customer becomes a Partner, this simply indicates that the said Customer has completed the relevant registration steps and has accepted these General Terms of Use and any other specific terms that may apply to him/her.

My Errand therefore recommends that Customers always use common sense and remain alert when delegating an errand to a particular Partner.

By becoming members of the Platform, Users accept that any claims they wish to bring for legal liability arising from actions or omissions of other Users of the Platform or third parties shall be restricted to such Users or third parties, and that no actions for liability may be taken against My Errand.

18.    Platform Changes and Updates

My Errand reserves the right to amend these General Terms of Use, the Privacy Policy and the Cookie Policy at any time and without prior notice. Users must carefully read these General Terms when accessing the Platform. In any event, acceptance of the General Terms is an essential step to be taken before accessing the services and contents available through the My Errand Platform.

In addition, My Errand reserves the right to update, amend or delete the information contained on its Platform, at any time and without the need for prior notice, with regard to its layout, presentation and access conditions, without thereby accepting any liability in relation thereto. My Errand does not guarantee the absence of errors or interruptions when accessing the Platform or its content, or that it will always be up to date. Notwithstanding the foregoing, My Errand shall, save in the event of circumstances making this difficult or impossible, take all steps to correct such errors, restore communication and update contents as soon as it becomes aware of the errors or disconnection or of the contents being out of date.

19.    Other terms

If either we or you have any right to enforce these Terms against the other, that right will not be lost even if the person who has the right delays enforcing it, or waives their right to enforce it in any instance.  If a court or other authority decides that any part of these Terms is illegal or ineffective, the rest of the terms will be unaffected and will remain in force.

We may change these Terms from time to time. If we make any changes which affect your rights in relation to our Service, we will notify you. Changes to the Terms will not affect any orders you have placed where we have sent the Confirmation Notice. These Terms are governed by English law, and you can bring legal proceedings in relation to our Service in the English courts. If you live in Scotland, you can bring legal proceedings in respect of the Items in either the Scottish or the English courts. If you live in Northern Ireland you can bring legal proceedings in respect of the Items in either the Northern Irish or the English courts. We are required by EU law to provide this link to the EU’s online dispute resolution portal, however we do not participate in dispute resolution under this process.

20.    Intellectual Property

My Errand is the owner or licensee of all intellectual and industrial property rights included on the Platform as well as of the contents that can be accessed through it. The intellectual property rights of the Platform, as well as the text, images, graphic design, navigation structure, information and contents included therein, are the property of My Errand, who has the exclusive right to exercise the exploitation rights therein in any manner, in particular the rights of reproduction, distribution, publication and transformation, in accordance with the UK legislation on intellectual and industrial property rights.

In spite of the foregoing, My Errand may not be the owner or licence holder of content such as names or images, among others, of companies with which My Errand does not have a business relationship. In such cases, My Errand acquires the content from publicly available sources, and My Errand shall in no event be deemed to be related to any right belonging to My Errand.

Authorising a User to access the Platform does not imply the waiver, transfer, licensing or full or partial assignment by My Errand of any intellectual or industrial property rights. Deleting, bypassing or in any way tampering with the contents of the My Errand Platform are all prohibited. In addition, modifying, copying, reusing, exploiting, reproducing, publicising, making second or subsequent publications of, uploading files, sending by post, transmitting, using, processing or distributing in any way all or some of the contents included in the My Errand Platform for public or commercial purposes are also prohibited, save with My Errand’s express written authorisation or, where applicable, that of the owner of the rights concerned.

Any User who shares any content of any kind through the Platform asserts that he/she has the necessary rights to do so, releasing My Errand from any liability regarding the content and lawfulness of the information supplied. By providing content through the Platform, Users assign to My Errand free of charge and to the maximum extent permitted by the current legislation, the exploitation rights on the intellectual or industrial property arising from such content.

21.          Children on Our Website

 2.1. Whatever the age of consent in your country, we are anxious that they should be protected from unsuitable Content. To protect your children, you should know our policy, which is as follows:

2.2. In the children categories, our volunteers have checked both the entries, and, where relevant, the links.

2.3. We do not knowingly collect personal information from any person under the age of 16 years.

2.4. Any person of any age may freely access any page of Our Website. We do not check identities nor moderate Content.

2.5. It is you, not we, who provide access to Our Website for the children in your care. It is for you to check that the Content your children might see is suitable for them.

2.6. Where links are concerned, you may like to check the privacy policies of those sites where your children might visit frequently to see how they collect and use information.

2.7. Filter software may also be useful to you.

2.8. You acknowledge that we are not responsible for Content that anyone has placed on Our Website for the content of site accessible by a link from Our Website.

2.9. You now agree to waive any claim you may otherwise have against us on account of age-related suitability of Content and to indemnify us against any claim made by any person on behalf of a child in your care.

22.          Disclaimers and limitation of liability

1. The law differs from one country to another. This paragraph applies so far as the applicable law allows.

2. All implied conditions, warranties and terms are excluded from this agreement. If in any jurisdiction an implied condition, warrant or term cannot be excluded, then this sub paragraph shall be deemed to be reduced in effect, only to the extent necessary to release that specific condition, warranty or term.

3. You are advised that Content may include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. This is inevitable in any large website. We would be grateful if you bring to our immediate attention, any that you find.

4. Our Website contains links to other internet websites. We have neither power nor control over any such website. You acknowledge and agree that we shall not be liable in any way for the Content of any such linked website, nor for any loss or damage arising from your use of any such website or from your buying services or goods via such a website.

5. The Website and our Services are provided “as is”. We make no representation or warranty that Our Website will be:

5.1 useful to you

5.2 of satisfactory quality;

5.3 fit for a particular purpose;

5.4 available or accessible, without interruption, or without error.

6. We claim no expert knowledge in any subject. We disclaim any obligation or liability to you arising directly or indirectly from information you take from Our Website.

7. We accept no responsibility for third party advertisements which are posted on Our Website or through the Services;

8. We shall not be liable to you for any loss or expense which is:

8.1 indirect or consequential loss;

8.2 economic loss or other loss of turnover, profits, business or goodwill even if such loss was reasonably foreseeable or we knew you might incur it.

9. This paragraph (and any other paragraph which excludes or restricts our liability) applies to our directors, officers, employees, subcontractors, agents and affiliated companies (who may enforce this clause under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act as well as to ourselves.

23.          Miscellaneous matters

1. Our privacy policy is strong and precise. It complies fully with the Data Protection Act 2018.

2. If any term or provision of this agreement is at any time held by any jurisdiction to be void, invalid or unenforceable, then it shall be treated as changed or reduced, only to the extent minimally necessary to bring it within the laws of that jurisdiction and to prevent it from being void and it shall be binding in that changed or reduced form. Subject to that, each provision shall be interpreted as severable and shall not in any way affect any other of these terms.

3. No failure or delay by any party to exercise any right, power or remedy will operate as a waiver of it nor indicate any intention to reduce that or any other right in the future.

4. Any communication to be served on either party by the other shall be delivered by hand or sent by first class post or by e-mail.

It shall be deemed to have been delivered:

if delivered by hand: on the day of delivery;

if sent by post to the correct address: within 72 hours of posting;

If sent by e-mail to the address from which the receiving party has last sent e-mail: within 24 hours if no notice of non-receipt has been received by the sender.

5. The validity, construction and performance of this agreement shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales and you agree that any dispute arising from it shall be litigated only in that country.

24.    Applicable Law

The relationship between My errand and the User shall be governed and construed in accordance with the General Terms, whose construction, validity and enforcement shall be governed by England and Wales law; and any disputes shall be submitted to the Courts of England and Wales.

If you have any other questions about the way we use cookies, you can contact our customer services team at: